why is my twitter unfollowing people

Why can't I follow or unfollow people on Twitter anymore.
Sep 25, 2011. Discussion about my views on using auto-unfollow to gain followers. This 3 day rule, (from a writer) many people don't come on Twitter for a.

Maybe … just maybe … you are sucky at Twitter. So to find out, I asked my legitimate and wonderful Twitter followers to tell me why they unfollow people.
Twitter is not allowing me to follow or unfollow people. I have 104. To be on the safe-side I changed my password, I suggest you do the same.
why is my twitter unfollowing people
Top 10 reasons why users unfollow you on twitter | JustUnfollow.Should you care if someone unfollows you? - Communicate and.
why is my twitter unfollowing people
Why do people unfollow me on Twitter? Some said I was guilty of.Apr 15, 2013. twitter keeps unfollowing al my followers randomly and even if I follow them back 2 minutes later it unfollows them again!
See who unfollowed you on Twitter. Are they bots or real people? Track your. “It always puts a smile on my face when I see 18 bots unfollowed”. -- Arjen.
Sep 18, 2012. I think it's time again to write about one of my favorite social networks…Twitter. It's fun for those who understand how it works. It's even a great.
May 13, 2010. To comply with their rules, I've disabled the auto-unfollow feature on. Somehow my Twitter account will not allow me to follow new people.
Sep 26, 2011. to unfollow the 131,000 or so folks I was following on my Twitter account.. I chose to follow that many people in the first place, because I felt.
Twitter / ratskins: Twitter unfollowing people.
How to Get Unfollowed on Twitter - Social Dialect.
How to Stop People Unfollowing You on Twitter | @amjohnno's stuff.
Hey! Where Did My Twitter Auto-Unfollow Go? | SocialOomph Blog.
Apr 15, 2013. twitter keeps unfollowing al my followers randomly and even if I follow them back 2 minutes later it unfollows them again!
See who unfollowed you on Twitter. Are they bots or real people? Track your. “It always puts a smile on my face when I see 18 bots unfollowed”. -- Arjen.