herding cats idiom

Jason Locke's Blog: Herding Cats.
herding cats idiom
Forum thread titles for "idiom" - WordReference.com.
Meaning of "herding the cats" - meaning, phrases, idioms.
Cats in ads and idioms. One of the most popular videos on YouTube at the moment is Herding Cats. It's about cats and IKEA, the Swedish furniture store.
Vocabulary and Idioms.
Definition of herding cats - AllWords.com.
2012年8月20日. For one thing, managing volunteers from fourteen different organizations is like herding cats. A: Herding cats? B: The idiom refers to an attempt.
May 13, 2010. The idea of "herding cats" is an idiom that seems to communicate the difficult task leading people (or groups) who don't tend to follow direction.
Jun 10, 2011. Idiomatic expression related to “cat-putting” [closed]. Cat-Putting" because of an idiomatic expression that had something to do with cats, but I can't figure out what that expression might be.. Meaning of “herding the cats”.
herding cats idiom
Forum thread titles for "idiom [expression]" - WordReference.com.
English idioms relating to animals, birds, fish or insects, page 3.
meaning - Idiomatic expression related to "cat-putting" - English.